Will blog about the birth and new baby soon, but wanted to share the good news with all of my blog friends. Stay tuned for more.
XOXO humps + baby
Well now that I’m off work and waiting for the baby to arrive, I have a ton of time on my hands. Most of my day is spent sitting on my ass and rubbing my belly – trying to determine if the “contractions” that I’m feeling are getting any stronger. I say “contractions” because I’m not even sure at this point if that’s what they are.
In addition to wandering around the condo, I have also had a lot more time to brush up on my baby books, surf the net and visit blogs. I’ve come to the realization that my blog was seriously lacking design-wise. I was still sporting my original Blogger template.
Now the most important part – what do you guys think? I still have to work out some bugs, which are directly related to how much I suck on the HTML stuff but with that in mind, is the layout a keeper??
~ humps
XOXOX humps.
Today was the first day of my maternity leave. And because I have a special relationship with the big guy above, it was also the best possible day to stay home from work; a nice little April snow storm in Toronto. Yeah I know… snow!
So I woke up in the morning and ate breakfast, looking out the window at the snow globe outside of the condo window, watching the city beginning its week, hearing the groaning from commuters near and far, and feeling really damn good that I didn’t have to go anywhere. The errands that I had, the list that I created to get me through this week was easily slipped back into the purse. I’ll get to that stuff tomorrow.
Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved Revolution Two Church theme by Brian Gardner Converted into Blogger Template by Bloganol dot com Distributed by Deluxe Templates