I started this blog shortly after I discovered that I was having my first and only child. They say dance like no one’s watching. This was more write like no one’s reading. It eventually got better and people eventually started reading it. Since, I have met the most amazing people – mostly other bloggers – through my rants here, and received some invaluable support and advice. The community of parent bloggers out there is one of the reasons that I keep writing.
My daughter was born in April 2009. She is the most amazing, adorable, incredible thing that you could ever lay your eyes on… if I do say so myself. I refer to her on this blog is BABY. I like to keep it easy for you!
If you read a couple of my posts, you will notice that I don’t talk about a husband, a boyfriend, her father, the baby daddy. He’s not in the picture. If you can’t say anything nice…
So stay awhile. Check out my ever evolving list of Favorite Posts. That is a great way to get a handle on what has happened. And as I have said many times, please leave comments. I need all the help I can get.
Love always,
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