But I feel fine. Still energetic and feeling great. Still able to get a bit of sleep at night now that I'm more comfortable with the side-lying position, although I do toss and turn. I was even able to go a few nights without the series of potty interruptions. Thank you Jesus.
While some of my friends - bless their little hearts - say that I look the same, and that I'm all belly, there is definitely more belly out there.
So, I'll quit stalling now. Here you go, "Belly Bump II: The Difference A Few Weeks Make" for the stick-out-ness that is happening right now. And now that I'm a little bit over 29 weeks, and have under 11 weeks to go, I know that the only way to grow is out. Here we come.
Last week- Week 28... Wearing the same tight tank top as previous pictures for effect (and also because I'm running out of tanks that will actually cover the bulge) with some pre-pregnancy black pants. Luckily the baby is sitting high enough that I can fit into most of my lower-rise pants and jeans.

Last week - Week 28... With clothes that I would actually wear in public. Great BCBG dress that a friend bought me. Someone actually mentioned that if they saw me on the bus they won't give me a seat because my bump is questionable. Duly noted. I keep that in mind next time I take the bus....

Awesome bump :] It is really amazing how much you have grown in the last little while! That baby is just truckin along.
I'm glad to hear you're feeling and sleeping well, too. Hopefully the aches and pains of the third trimester -- and they will come! -- are kind to you *hugs*
that dress is darling! and it looks like it will be comfy as you continue to expand
What a great dress- way to be a hot mama! :)
You're just too cute!
And I hate you for being able to still wear your prepregnancy jeans! What?! Girl, as soon as I peed on the stick I had to switch to maternity pants. LOL. I poked out super early! It didn't help that Junior was hanging low down by my knees, either.
You're cute!
Hey, I forgot to add you to the Bustin' Out Babies list but will do that right now.
Thanks so much for the comments everyone. Yes the dress is just awesome. It graces over the bump now so I'm hoping that I can get a few more weeks out of it. Atleast to the end of February.
And I am thankful everyday that I fit until most of my clothes. Really lucky that the baby is high so I can still button up my pants. My emergency pair of black maternity pants is there on that fateful morning when I can't fit unto anything anymore.
- humps
YAY!!! You look AWESOME! The Bump is adorable! You looked radiant when you visited Little One and me at the hospital, btw! Oh, I've posted a pic on my latest blog post of her wearing the outfit you gave her!! XO
PS. OMG! I just realized the photos are your 28 week photos! Remember, Little One made her grand entrance into the world at week 28??? CRAZY!!
Again you look awesome, Humps! Sending our love to you and the bump! xop
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