Last week Thursday was my first pre-natal appointment with my family doctor. And guess what boys and girls – we heard the baby’s heartbeat!! It’s actually feeling real. Like there’s really a little person growing inside of me.
The interesting story though was my baby’s ability to overcome odds. I am such a proud parent. Here’s the setup: The doctor trying his best to manage my expectations on whole heartbeat thing.
Doctor: “So it looks like you’re about 10 weeks and 5 days. I’m going to try to hear the baby’s heartbeat but I’ve never heard it in a baby that young. I had a patient here earlier that was further along than you were and we didn’t find the heartbeat.”
Me: Blank look. “But you will try right?”
Doctor: “Of course! I just don’t want you to be disappointed. The baby just developed the heart about a week ago. And the baby is so small. It will be hard to find.”
Me: Blank look. “Are we going to do this now or later?”
As I laid there with the gooey stuff on my “baby holding area” I started my prepared motivational speech to the little one. I actually prepared said speech while ignoring the doctor’s cautionary thoughts. Willing the baby on in true soccer mom form I began my internal mom-to-baby motivation. “This is your time baby. Show this guy what you can do!”
Through all the muffles and that’s-not-it’s was a fast little baby heartbeat! I was and am so excited. There’s a baby in there.
P.S. This Friday will be my first ultrasound appointment. Baby and I are resting up for that performance.
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