You may or may not know that I'm looking for a new place right now. My little studio in downtown Toronto isn't really equipped for the growing family, if you know what I mean. Check out my previous post for more on that.
So I am actively looking, speaking with agents and owners, viewing units. I'm pretty close it making the move. I can taste it.
But I'm dealing with an ethical issue. I'm not mentioning to these potential landlords that I'm with child. I'm not filling them in on the fact that if all goes to plan, there will be a little, vomiting, pooping monster in the place 7 odd months from now. At this stage in the apartment search, I'm feeling like it's not really their business. Personal information. If I'm not telling friends or family, why am I telling complete stranger? Maybe I'll mention it before I sign the lease.
So I play it cool. Do I have pets? No. Do I smoke? No. I have references, good credit, first and last. I am a good potential tenant. I may be a pregnant potential tenant but I'll still be good. And I hear these babies aren't too bad at first. They don't walk into things, colour walls and vandalize until much later. And you'll love my little family by then.
Tips On Potty Training Little Girls
7 years ago
We just moved into a new 2 bedroom apartment in Burlington in September. At no point have I told our landlady that I'm pregnant; she'll find out for herself soon enough! Nothing in the lease says no children, and I've seen other pregnant women in the building as well.
I definitely understand not wanting to tell strangers at this point. Congratulations on your pregnancy! It is a truly amazing thing, and your support network sounds really solid :]
I don't think you need to feel that you have to tell your future landlord that you are expecting. I don't think it will impact anything.
During my time in Toronto, I lived in two apartments (for about two years in each). One was on Yonge Street and the other on York Mills. Both busy streets and busy apartments. Nowhere on the lease does it say "no children".
There should have been other things on the leases that they prohibited though! ;) husbands abusing wives and kids, domestic violence, theft, leaving condoms, needles and roach clips in the play areas where toddlers and kids play.
All the best in your hunt for the perfect apartment! Can't wait to hear how this all unfolds! :)
I can't tell you how happy I was to read your comments verygood and C. From someone who can't lie (as you may have gathered from my other posts) and who has made a u-turn to go back to the speed trap where I supposed to be caught, it's been hard for me to hold back this pregnancy stuff in the apartment search. Atleast I know that I'm not breaking any unspoken landlord-tenant rule. :)
My quest continues. I'll keep you posted.
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