Forgive me internet for I have sinned. It has been over a week since my last online confession.
I have been busy over the last few days and I assure you friends, this blog has been in my thoughts. Truth-be-told that I haven’t been far away. I have still kept myself immersed in this mommy and baby stuff online. Doing a ton of online listening and less blog posting. My new mommy community on twitter (check me out at has been informative, inspiring and supportive. I am reading more and more mommy blogs. A new personal fav is
When I’m not twittering and blog surfing I am apartment hunting.
According to public opinion you can’t raise a baby and/or survive in a relationship with BF post baby, in a 400 sq ft studio apartment in downtown Toronto.
My first reaction…
But I love my place! I love downtown! I love the cocoon of my little apartment and everything in it! I love all the hip young people that live in my condo building and the lack of screaming children! I love that there’s a steady stream of cabs waiting on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night! Just because I’m prego does that mean that I have to throw the baby out with the bath water? Or the free-wheeling young lifestyle out with the alcohol? Does prenatal vitamins also come with doses of uncool?
While apartment searching over the past few weeks I have also been soul searching.
I have spent a lot of time thinking about the things that I want and the things that this baby will need and want. Knowing that it is my responsibility to nurture and care for the little person that is growing inside of me has made me more keen to do whatever I can to start this journey of parent-hood on the right foot.
Tips On Potty Training Little Girls
7 years ago
I encourage you not to freak out TOO much about what the baby needs. That nurturing and caring are a surprisingly natural response. Even suffering from PPD like I did after both boys were born, the caring part was never too difficult.
You don't need a super fancy apartment. A super fancy nursery. The best toys. Or the best clothes. You just need the desire to raise a child to the best of your ability (which includes mistakes, trust me).
And, so far, you sound like you'll do just fine. Better than fine.
One of my good friends and her significant other lived in a studio apartment with their newborn in a really hip part of Toronto. They survived. They managed. They remained ultra cool too :) Their place was so convenient and close to everything.
After two years, they ended up moving to a house in North York. The only reason for this was because they were expecting #2 and needed a bigger place :)
You'll be fine. You'll be more than fine. You'll be great! :)
Thanks Firemom and C. Really appreciate the support! And I should have mentioned it in the headline... I freak out. The horomones aren't helping any either. :)
Firemom - Love your comments on the wonderful nurturing and caring response that comes with motherhood. My love and this baby's happiness is not tied to the square footage of my condo.
C - Thank you, thank you. It is still possible! Does your friend blog?
Unfortunately, she doesn't blog :( She's pretty much technologically challenged! I have to wait for her hubby to upload and e-mail updated photos of their bambinos because she doesn't know how! Or shall I say, she refuses to learn how!
I've got a group of friends in TO who are mommies and there are lots of great mommy groups there. I sometimes wish I still lived in TO, just so I could have that network.
My other TO friends (in real life friends and not just blog friends) who have blogs are listed on the sidebar of my blog. Gavie's Gal, Nathanial's Mom, Fancy Pansy, and KarenMEG are all in Toronto and they are all super cool amigas! Check them out :)
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