I’m sure there’s a stage in every woman’s pregnancy where the showing / not showing debate begins. Perhaps it starts as a sideways examination in her full length mirror. Maybe her regular staple of pants, jeans, or shirts feels a little snug around the mid-section. For some of us, there’s just that feeling.
I, myself, am still in the early stages of pregnancy. According to my calculations, I will be rounding out my first trimester in the next few weeks. But although I’m still relatively new at this whole “being pregnant” thing, I am still thoroughly obsessed with my impending bump and whether or not I’m already showing.
I gotta be honest here. I’m feeling GI-NORMOUS. It’s hard to determine whether this is physical expansion or something psychological. I’m really hoping ladies, its all in my head.
Five reasons I think I’m expanding:
1. I have nothing to wear in the morning. It feels like everything is too tight.
2. My stomach is feeling really squishy and is definitely bigger than I remember.
3. Everyone’s staring it me. I must be showing and this whole not telling people I’m pregnant thing is up.
4. I felt my butt jiggling during my volleyball game earlier. How disgusting is that!!
5. My butt is huge!
Five things I say to convince myself that I’m NOT expanding:
1. You never have anything to wear in the morning. You’ve avoided going up that extra size for a while now so don’t be surprised if your pants are tight.
2. You have had a squishy stomach since childhood (despite being an owner of the ab zapper, beach body ab workout, Tae-bo, and years of gym memberships). You don’t have a cute little flat stomach. Get over it.
3. You’re freaking hot (despite the tummy thing). No wonder people are staring at you. If your mom didn’t guess that you’re prego, considering how much she knows you, no one will.
4. Maybe you shouldn’t have worn thongs and tight spandex-like workout gear to volleyball. Look for items with more support.
5. Your butt was and is huge!
This is so conflicting!
Tips On Potty Training Little Girls
7 years ago
Hi, thanks so much for your comment and congratulations on your baby!! There is nothing like the first, enjoy it.
I know that 35lb is not realistic but I still had 20 to lose from my first so I was hoping, but I don't think that's going to happen.
I'm also from downtown toronto and will enjoy reading your blog!
Oh, you are too cute! This post had me chuckling because I felt the same way!
In my first trimester I was conflicted with the "Do I look pregnant or do I look like I'm just fat?" thing. I'm in week 20 now and can honestly say that now it really does look like it's a baby bump and not just the remains of a very large lunch! ;)
That said, it's only been this month where I have been able to eat properly again. Food and I were not friends in my first 4 months of pregnancy!
So excited about YOUR pregnancy and I look forward to reading along as you go on this crazy, fun journey.
Thanks so much Mama and C for commenting. It's funny to me that my blog is even read but it's a great channel for me to talk about the crazy world of pregnancy.
More importantly, I've been able to connect with some amazing moms and moms-to-be over the last few weeks. Even though I was feeling like the Michelin Man all day (can you gain weight in your shoulders??) I think a lot about the advice that you all share with me.
For months, I've been waking up and checking out my profile in the mirror. I didn't really feel like I had a baby bump until about week 14 (I was carrying a bit of extra weight myself).
It was in Week 17 that I was sitting at my computer, my husband sitting at his, and I swear to you, I felt my stomach... grow. I said, "Honey, I think my baby bump just arrived."
And in my Week 18 pic (posted somewhere on my blog), there's DEFINITELY a baby bump ;) When it shows up, you will KNOW!
I've been told by many moms that there's a definite time during your pregnancy when you just seem to 'pop'. I didn't really get what they meant, but found out that that is the moment when...the belly finally 'pops' and looks like an actual baby bump! That's the moment when you finally look in the mirror and say, "Ahhhhh! I DO look pregnant!"
I can't remember which week I was in exactly, but it was probably sometime last month. I woke up one morning and it was as if overnight I had a really big belly! My husband put his hand on my tummy and said, "Honey!!! I think you're growing!" LOL! It was so funny!
I am now in week 20 (20 wks, 3 days to be exact! LOL!) and I feel like I look like I'm 8 or 9 months pregnant...and we're only halfway there! Gah!
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