It’s Saturday night. I am home and the BF is out of town.
I’ve ignored calls about tonight’s going ons and made lots of very creative excuses for not meeting up with friends for alcohol related bonding. For most people in my life I am holding out until 3 months before breaking the knocked up news…. or at least until my first appointment in a couple of weeks (where I will be around 11 weeks). I like to call this trimester the longest three months of my life.
Last weekend I managed to make a few evening appearances but my supersize glass of cranberry juice almost blew my cover. “Hey, what’s with that glass?” “Ah…. I got a double. Ya know…”
That was a close one.
And it’s no so much the alcohol. I can certainly get by without drinking. My friend’s aren’t complete lushes. I am just not very good at lying. I’m a terrible liar in fact. So I’d rather just avoid awkward situations and hope that it doesn’t slip.
So it’s Saturday night. I’m at home eating a tuna sandwich and watching a Jennifer Aniston romantic comedy on the Women’s network. Something tells me there’s a lot more sandwiches and W in my future.
Tips On Potty Training Little Girls
7 years ago
Ohhhhhh! I soooooooo know how you feel! We decided to wait until we were past our 3rd month to tell everyone. It is soooooooooo hard to keep it a secret though.
The main reason we didn't want to say anything is because we didn't want to jinx things. I am a freak. I totally panic about EVERYTHING. I think of the "what ifs?" and all the things that could go wrong.
We pretty much found out when I was 4 weeks pregnant, so not saying anything to friends and family for soooooo many weeks was really hard!!
Good luck with that. The first time you smell a hamburger and run to the bathroom, though, your secret is going to be out--the gig will be up. And then, before you know it, you've announced your due date 3,455 times, and repeated your baby's sex 4,880 times, and stood around listening while everyone tells you their looooong drawn-out pregnancy stories... which you'll enjoy... until you smell the hamburger again. Congrats on the baby, and good luck with what will, for sure, be your worst-kept secret! LOL!
Thanks C and Brownbaby. I am literally counting down THE DAYS until I can come clean with this pregnancy thing. Since my symptoms have been pretty good - what I lack in morning sickness, I make up for in late night pee-breaks - I'm hoping that I can continue to keep suspicions at bay. As long as there are no sleep overs. :)
One more day down.
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