When your poor baby girl cannot move her little feet, raise her arms or touch her toes, you may want to "retire" that too tight sleeper. (The latest revelation and the kind of expert mom advice that you are going to get by reading my blog.)
To make matters worse, it was actually my mother who insisted that BABY's sleepers were too tight to keep wearing. I didn't want to believe it. I ignore her. I didn't want to acknowledge that she was right. I turned the other way. I washed that sleeper and put in the drawer. I put BABY in it a few days later. This is commonly known as denial.
Don't fault me - it is hard to look at the situation objectively when you are in love with an outfit. It's hard to say goodbye to baby outfits before their time. Ok, ok before my time.
I have attachment issues. I get attached. I fall in love with these little baby clothes. I find myself in the baby clothing section of stores - including my grocery store (hello Joe Fresh!) - holding a new little girl outfit in the air and picturing BABY in it. Seeing her cub cub legs and rolly polly arms filling out the clothes to perfection.
Adult clothing is very different. If they were my clothes I would wear them. I would love them as I was wearing them. I would find more ways to wear them more often - layered over things, under things. I would accessorize. I would dress it up and dress it down. If I wasn't completely fulfilled by wearing it for the initial term (however many months that would be), I would still keep it. I would stow it away in big plastic Tupperware containers in my storage room, or in tiny little white cardboard boxes from Ikea, or under my bed. Maybe I would hang it in the back of my closet. I would come back to it next year when the weather changes. I would wear it year after year. Maybe I would give it away - to a friend or family member. The clothes would have a long life span - at least as long as I liked them.
Baby clothes are a whole new experience. It is an experience that I am still getting used to.
You see with baby clothes, I buy them. They are super cute in many different ways. A touch like smaller versions of adult clothes with their tiny belt hoops, polished hems, collars, and little pockets. These childrenwear designers know that a 2 month old doesn't need a belt or to put anything in their pocket. It's all to provoke a sense of familiarity. We're hooked. Then they sprinkle on the little details - baby only details - that make us ohhh and aahhh.
The cuteness of the design is not even the whole problem. I could probably live with design cuteness. In fact, I EXPECT a high level of cuteness for the entire baby fashion industry. The real problem is what happens when these clothes are brought home. We take them out of the bags, and we wash them. We put them on our cub cub, rolly polly children and they look so damn cute. Our children sit there, big smiles and sporadic movements, while we ohh and ahh. We take the children out where others swoon over them. These clothes become our favorite outfits. We find occasions to showcase these outfits because our children look so damn cute in them. We are attached.
In three washes our children start to grow out of the outfits that we love - our favorite outfits. The buttons pull apart slightly. The arms and legs become just that much shorter. Our children out grow them before we are really finished loving these outfits.
And that's how it all began for BABY's too tight sleeper that I am attached to. Now it's... well it's too tight.
~ humps
Tips On Potty Training Little Girls
7 years ago
When Maia outgrew my first favourite onesie, I cried. Then I put it on her one last time... and she had a poo-splosion, staining it. I had to throw it away, instead of keeping it as a memento. That sucked.
I agree, it's so so difficult to see our little ones grow out of the things we love seeing them in. It's yet another one of the constant series of heartbreaks that motherhood seems to be. SIGH.
My little one already outgrew his little toad costume and most of his onezies that we adorable on him. Thank goddnes my MIL loves to go to garage sales, she bought me a dozen or so brand new outfits that he will be able to wear soon.
Hey! I found you on Twitter (I'm onthehip). Great blog! You're ahead of me in terms of the baby game, so I'm definitely bookmarking so I can get all the hands on advice I can get for the future!
When Peanut outgrows something that I love it makes me want to cry.
I totally hear you! And I have a boy, so the clothes aren't quite as cute as girls'. I at least made sure to take photos of him in my favorite outfits. When finally packing them away, I tell myself that maybe we'll have another boy who can wear them- it helps a little. :) Also, I remind myself that by keeping him in the too-small things, I'm missing opportunities to put him in the cute things of the next size range. At this point, we've been in 18-month clothes for a REALLY long time, kind of a growth plateau, so I got a little bored with these outfits- something to look forward to? Wow, that was a lot of information, who knew I had so much pent up on this topic?! Good post!
Tatiana - I have lost many a cute onesie due to the powerful staining abilities of poop. I cry, I cry.
You are right, "one of the constant series of heartbreaks that motherhood seems to be."
~ humps
Tracylynne - I had some great success going to a few garage sales in the 'burbs where my mom lives this summer. I'm now a total convert. Picked up some great toys that were next to nothing. And since they grow through them so fast, similar to clothes, why pay the money?!
~ humps
On The Hip - Thanks for dropping by the blog, and I will definitely check out yours too. I love hearing the incredible journey of pregnancy. Enjoy every minute of it. It goes by too fast!!
~ humps
Lolly - Shedding a tear for you.
~ humps
Kara - Thanks for sharing the new perspective. You're right - there are some great outfits coming up in the next size range to look forward to.
And I've got to say, the baby boys clothes have come a long way. They are super cute!! My close friend is having a boy in December and her outfits are adorable. It will be shame when we starts to retire those too.
~ humps
Kara - Thanks for sharing the new perspective. You're right - there are some great outfits coming up in the next size range to look forward to.
And I've got to say, the baby boys clothes have come a long way. They are super cute!! My close friend is having a boy in December and her outfits are adorable. It will be shame when we starts to retire those too.
~ humps
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