BABY trying out her highchair for the first time. Just before 5 months, was maybe a bit too early. She is clearly giving me a look here that says, "What the hell are you thinking mommy??!!"
LOL! You've gotta love the expressions babies give their mamas when they aren't too sure of something!
This morning, I gave Little One some pureed peaches and I think they were a bit tart because she puckered up her lips, her body shivered, and she had the funniest expression ever! Wish I had that on video!
I LOVE BABY!! She is such a shining star! ;) She's growing so fast, my friend!! Hope to catch up with you soonish. When's a good time to reach you?
Thanks so much for the comments everyone. I had lots of family and friends say that BABY is so expressive. She really knows how to work those eyebrows.
I'm just glad that I could catch some of it on camera. :)
I call myself Humps in an attempt to keep my blog anonymous... as anonymous as one can be when writing all about one's life, thoughts and anxiety. I'm not doing a good job at that.
My new baby girl - known here as BABY - was born in April 2009 and is now 4, going on 24. Her father and I are working out our issues. I am a mother jumping into this parenting thing head first. Check this space often and read my random thoughts as I come into being a "mom". And please leave your comments. I could use all the help I can get!
Thoughts, feelings, recommendations are my own. I strongly caution you against following my lead. My posts are not sponsored and I suggest that you check out my handy "Disclosure".
What a face! She is so adorable (AND GROWING SO FAST, holy moly).
LOL! You've gotta love the expressions babies give their mamas when they aren't too sure of something!
This morning, I gave Little One some pureed peaches and I think they were a bit tart because she puckered up her lips, her body shivered, and she had the funniest expression ever! Wish I had that on video!
I LOVE BABY!! She is such a shining star! ;) She's growing so fast, my friend!! Hope to catch up with you soonish. When's a good time to reach you?
What great faces!
(And enjoy the cleanness of that highchair now. I only wish mine looked like that.)
LMAO..she is really trying to say you are losing your freaking mind!!!
Thanks so much for the comments everyone. I had lots of family and friends say that BABY is so expressive. She really knows how to work those eyebrows.
I'm just glad that I could catch some of it on camera. :)
~ humps
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