Dear Belly Fat,
It's been a long time since we last spoke. How are you?? Hope things are well.
You ran across my mind today. I was reminiscing about the years that we shared together. I just had to sit down and write you an overdue note. I haven't had time to write, but please know that you were always in my thoughts. I have always had a special place for you, Belly Fat, in my heart.
You see Belly Fat, we are BFFs. I've known you longer than most people! We shared a lot together. From baby fat to baby bump. You were there for me as long as I can remember. Elementary school, the prom, graduation - we shared some incredible moments together.
Even at my most athletic, when I turned my back on you in favour of sports and my first gym membership, you stayed by my side. You never let those training sessions, yoga classes, elliptical machines, or free weights get between us. They were never able to wear you down or wear away our connection.
Boyfriends came and went, but you stayed. School, work and play. Jobs, then internships, and the beginnings of my career. We became closer than ever - with our hold on each other growing stronger and stronger in the last few years. We shared many a sushi lunch, Mexican takeout and iced cream together. Remember those McCain Deep & Delicious nights we had? That was a blast wasn't it. Belly Fat, we had some great times hanging out.
People would be impressed by your loyalty, tenacity, perseverance Belly Fat. I am one of only a few people, I'm sure, who knows that side of you. Rolling with the punches.
And last year, when I found out that I was pregnant, you were there. During those early months, was it weird for you when people would rub you when I told them I was expecting?? Yeah they didn't know that there wasn't a baby bump there yet. But it's ok. They didn't mind touching you Belly Fat. I have to admit, that made me a little bit uncomfortable. I appreciated having you around, keeping my baby well insulated in the winter and providing amble room in the stomach area for me to grow into.
But Belly Fat, I have to be honest with you. This is tough for me to say so please bare with me. Although we have had some good times, I feel that we are moving in different directions. Belly Fat, I think that I need to move on. Now that I have had the baby - she's doing well by the way - I need to lose a few pounds.
Please do not be upset by what I am saying Belly Fat. It's not you, it's me. I have new goals - like fitting into my skinny jeans, being able to wear a bathing suit to mommy and me swimming, looking attractive in lingerie someday. Unfortunately I have to leave you behind.
Please don't try to contact me Belly Fat. I don't think that we can remain friends. The best thing that we can do it make a clean break. Go our separate ways, not looking back.
I will always remember and cherish the years that we spent together. I promise. Belly Fat, this is for the best. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Tips On Potty Training Little Girls
7 years ago
LOL! Oh, Humps! This was such a great letter!! Love this post! I was actually shocked though, because you look AMAZING! When you were pregnant and visited me in the hospital when I was having my baby, you looked smokin' hot! Even after my baby was born and you came to visit us, you still showed absolutely nooooo signs of being friends with Belly Fat! NONE! You were ALL baby in that belly! No fat. Just baby.
I hope to catch up with you soon. You may get a phone call from me sometime soon!
"Please don't try to contact me Belly Fat. I don't think that we can remain friends. The best thing that we can do it make a clean break. Go our separate ways, not looking back."
LOL! Girl, don't we all need to write this letter to our belly fat? I call mine "Shirley." Shirley loves some cupcakes, as do I, so it's hard for her to leave since we have so much in common! :)
Hilarious. The ultimate break up letter.
Belly Fat didn't like this letter. She keeps knocking on my door!! This is harder than I thought.
~ humps
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