I'm an emotional eater. I guess the first thing to do is admit you have a problem. I have a problem eating.
My vice is baked goods, but anything sweet will do. Chocolate. Cupcakes. Cake! During a regular day, in a regular week, at a regular time in my life I love eating. When I'm emotional, I need to eat. It's like drugs. For that reason I try NOT to keep junk food in the house - because if it's here I will eat it. But I do have a little stash of chocolate for those times when I NEED TO HAVE IT.
For the past few weeks, I've been getting down with the baked goods. We have been sharing intimate moments together at night when Baby is asleep. I have been packing more in the shopping cart under the warm breakfast cereal and prepared salad mix. A few have come along in the diaper bag for "on the go indulgences". Earlier this week I finished a whole box of Passion Flakies in just over 24 hours. That's 6 Passion Flakies people. On the weekend I had a big bowl of iced cream with peanut butter chocolate cookies on the side. Did you hear that? I had ice cream with a side of cookies!!
Today I went on a Meetup with a couple of new moms in downtown Toronto. We went to an Ice Cream shop - a really cute one in Leslieville named Cream The Urban Dairy. It was adorable. And I had a great time with the other new moms. Afterwards took a walk down Queen Street East to visit Kids On The Hip (for the first time) and Baby On The Hip (one of my favs).
It was great to have a nice outting. But I have to be completely honest here. I RSVP'd for the Meetup for the Ice Cream! I was thinking about the Ice Cream all day! Ok I was thinking about the Ice Cream yesterday too!
Could it be possible that I like sweet things more than I like people?! Naah!! Maybe...
So I decided that I need to get myself together. I am going to quit Ice Cream and baked goods for two weeks.
Cold turkey.
Because it is clearly a problem.
Hopefully after this short detox I will be back to my old self. Enjoying people, their babies, as much as I enjoy the desert.
~ humps.... that are getting bigger and bigger
Tips On Potty Training Little Girls
7 years ago
Found you on Bacon is my enemy. You have passed on the guilt lady! I have been hitting the ice cream every night for a month straight. I am a little more pregnant than I should be and really need to cut back so here goes...I am with you. Ouch! I might have to have one bowl now before I start!
Hey, Sweetpea! Are you going to be home tomorrow? I'm going to try to give you a shout. Hugs for that sweet baby of yours! XOXO
Brittany -
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I love new visitors who comment!! :) Good luck on quitting Ice Cream. It's hard. I would kill for a little bit of Ice Cream truck softserve right now!!! Yumm.
~ humps
C -
I'll be around. Having phone problems so I can't text you or get to my contact list. But give me a call. :)
~ humps
Just found my cell phone. It has been missing for days. Battery was dead and I found the darn thing at the bottom of the diaper bag. Of course! Where else would it be, right? LOL!
I have to take my vehicle in for an oil change but I'll try to call you tomorrow. Hugs for you and Baby!! xo
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