Time flies. For those of you who read this blog semi-regularly, sorry that it has been SO LONG since my last post. Both baby and mommy are doing great. Everything is progressing. We’re looking forward to the April 18 due date!!
I am just so tired. So. Tired.
These last few weeks have hit me like a ton of bricks. So much to do also in getting ready for hte baby. There hasn’t been enough time and energy in the day to conquer the most basic of things, much less blog. Since this HumpsNBump has been such an outlet for me, I feel even more out of sorts by not posting. It’s a vicious cycle.
There is a light at the end of the birth canal – err tunnel. This will be my last week of work.
After Friday I will be able to spend much more time telling stories to people who may or may not be interested in hearing them! After I get past this last week of work, I’ll be able to spend more time on this blog, talking about all the interesting things that I have learnt these past weeks – like my adventures in buying cloth diapers (will she stick it out or give in to the disposables) or my new found fascination with baby sign language (yes, I’m all over this one) or the day when I could no longer see my feet.
And hopefully the baby will be right on time so that I can use those two weeks before my due date to really take advantage of the nesting instinct. Who knows when I’ll have the natural instinct to clean and organize again?!!
Apart from reorganizing my storage room and laundry area, I think that we’re in great shape. The crib and bedding is set up. The dresser and change top is ready for the little body. We have pictures up in the room – although I’m still looking for two more frames. All of the clothes and other gear are packed away. Car seat is ready. The bag for the hospital is packed and ready. It’s starting to feel like I may actually be about to have a baby.
Who woulda thought.
Tips On Potty Training Little Girls
7 years ago
I am so glad to hear from you! I thought maybe the baby had come very early and totally thrown you for a loop -- I'm glad to hear baby is still sticking to schedule though ;)
I'm totally eager to hear the gender, and hear more about your adventures in prepping for baby's arrival. It's an exciting time (it only gets better!) and I can't believe you're so close! It feels like just yesterday I started following you.
Thanks so much VGY. I can't believe how fast the time is flying as well. Will try to keep the updates coming. I'm so impressed that you've been able to keep your blog so active since your little one arrived!!
~ humps
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