Yesterday marked Week 32 for the little munchkin that is growing inside of me. I know that it’s not just me that feels like time is going by so quickly. Those of you who follow this blog have commented that time is racing by. Everyone that I know in my “real life” is shocked that it is happening so quickly. Can you believe that we only have 8 weeks to go until the due date??!!
Just. Eight. Weeks.
And similar to my 20 week post, I want to fill you in on what’s happening with the mommy and baby at this stage:
What’s happening:
- It was just a few weeks ago that the baby’s kicks went from being very cute and reassuring, to very painful and irritating. The little one is really packing some punch now-a-days. According to the experts this will slow down over the next few weeks as the baby gets bigger. It will get pretty crowded in there.
- According to one of the weekly emails that I receive, the baby is about the length of “a hot pair of high boots”. Are you as astonished as I am? The baby should weigh about 4 pounds and measure over 17 inches long.
- My weight gain has been pretty good so far. I have probably put on about 20-25 lbs. My doctor has said that it’s normal for me to be gaining about a 1 lb a week to close off the last trimester. With 8 weeks to go that will put me around 35 lbs in total, which is fine by me. I’m not really worried about it since the weight gain hasn’t been too much of a problem thus far.
- My baby shower is next weekend. Stay tuned for a post on that this week, and maybe some pictures of it next week. I’m really looking forward to it!
What’s not happening:
- I am having a great pregnancy. It has honestly been so amazing that I feeling that I may make up for it during the delivery. (SCARY!!). I really think that the fact that I’m carrying high has made it so easy to get adjusted. I’m still pretty active and feel very comfortable.
- Carrying high has also been a Godsend on the wardrobe. Luckily I can still wear a lot of my pants and jeans under my belly, zip up some of my dresses as long shirts and wear my blazers. I’ve just had to be one pair of official maternity pants, and a few bigger than normal sweaters and shirts to fit over the bump.
- We still don’t know if we’re having a boy or girl, and at this stage I really don’t want to know. We’ve come a long way. But what’s really not happening is an aching feeling. The maternal instinct is not kicking in. I have no predictions while Dad-to-be is now convinced that it’s a girl.
- It’s only just hit me that we still have a long, long list of things that need to be done before the baby gets here. It’s driving me nuts. I really need to start getting more of the shopping and preparation done.
So all in all, I’m shocked that time is going by so quickly. While I’m anxious to meet the little person that is growing inside of me, there is still so much to do. How did this happen?!
~ humps
Tips On Potty Training Little Girls
7 years ago
You know what is really amazing? When the baby comes out and you SEE those little kicks and punches actually happening... it blows my mind that these are the hands and feet that were inside of me, running under my skin, so recently.
Okay, about that "maternal" thing not yet kicking in: It's what they don't tell you--that you won't necessarily be an expert at everything baby just because you pushed one out of your body. Just know that THIS IS OKAY. None of us started out as experts, but you learn and adapt and figure it out.
Oh, good luck, sweets...
Congratulations! I want to invite you to the Mommie Daze Virtual Baby Shower that I am hosting May 15 to June 8. This is an international even and there are prizes! Stop by my blog for all the details.
WOW!!! Time sure flies, doesn't it!?! When you came to visit me when I was having Little One in the hospital, you were just starting to show that beautiful baby bump of yours! Then around Christmastime, the bump was even cuter (if that's even possible)!!!
Only a few more weeks to go!! XOXO
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