Why is this interesting? Well 20 weeks is the half way mark of my pregnancy. In a way that dad-to-be would understand, we have just hit the 50 yard line. Or we clocked in at half time. Or… I don’t know any more sports analogies.
It is also the baby milestone that I’ve been looking forward to for weeks. The baby is now the size of Cantaloupe. Is that not crazy people? I read that and looked down at my tummy. “You’re the size of a Cantaloupe down there?”

In honour of the half-way mark, I thought that it would be helpful for me to break down what’s happening so far and what still hasn’t happened. So here we go…
What’s happening:
- The baby is getting bigger. While I can’t verify what’s going on inside of my growing belly, I thought that I would share with you some information from the online baby experts. At 20 weeks, baby should measure about 5.6 to 6.4 inches and weigh about 9 ounces. The baby can hear sounds now, and it will cover its ears with its hands if a loud sound is made near you or "jump" if it is startled. Almost like a little person!!
- I read earlier today that at 20 weeks the baby is starting to grow hair! I guess we’ll see in another 20 weeks or so.
- I can say that the baby has been moving around a lot, but at this point it doesn’t feel like kicking. It’s more of a rumbling in the tummy feeling, a little bit stronger than when you have butterflies in your stomach.
- I have officially “popped”! The folks at work have said that they have started to notice my bump this week. Better late than never.
What’s not happening:
- I still haven’t started wearing any maternity clothes. I can still button up my pants but I try to wear them below my growing belly. I am still wearing my regular boots and heels to work everyday. Yeah, I’m stubborn.
- I have gone this far, relatively unscathed from morning sickness, as I mentioned in other posts. I am still super tired, but the extreme exhaustion is passing.
- I don’t have any stretch marks yet. I have been slathering on the Bio-Oil like nobody’s business hoping that will help a little bit. When I first found out that I was knocked up, my mother, in a wild display that can only happen in your parent’s kitchen, pulled up her top to reveal that she didn’t have any stretch marks. She then lectured me on the importance of moisturizer. Right. Check.
- New belly button. I still have an innie but don’t know at what point the development of my bump it will become an outtie. Dad-to-be has the perfect in-between belly button and is very anxious about this milestone. (Glad you think that’s funny, babe.)
- At this point, many parents know whether their little one will pee standing up or sitting down. If you’ve read this blog before, you may know that I’m still undecided about if we should find out. My ultrasound isn’t until a few weeks. I scheduled it for the tail-end of my 22 week.
So we’re half way there. I’m sure in the next few weeks my bump will make up for the last 20 weeks. My plan is to start posting my baby bump pictures, after my next Ultrasound. And try not to be too hard on me for living up to Hump & Baby Bump name. I’m having a baby!
Awwwh yeah! Halfway done cookin your bun!
You should definitely pop in the next few weeks. Week 20-26 were just HUGE for me in terms of growth (it's documented on my blog so you probably saw :] ) and in terms of "bonding" with my little human. She really became a more real person when I could feel her moving so often and could see the physical change in myself -- as well as having other people comment on my changes. It's a pretty amazing time for you -- ENJOY!
Aww you will pop like overnight! You'll still be wearing maternity clothes at least two months after birth!
VeryGoodYear - Thanks for the comment. I think that I have definitely popped. Not only that, I'm growing by the minute. The only reason I think that I'm still able to wear my old clothes is that I've always had a little pouch. My pre-pregnancy clothes were designed even thing with a little room.
Now if I lived in belly tops it would be a different story. LOL.
~ humps
Mrs. Mogul - Thanks for the comment. I was thinking too the other day, that the maternity clothes are going to be a bit of a stable for months after the baby's here. At first I thought, I don't really want to spend to much money on something that I'll only wear for 4 months. Knowing me, I'll be wearing my maternity jeans to the buffet for years to come.
~ humps
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