Today, the baby and I will be celebrating a great milestone. As of today, I will be 28 weeks, which according to What to Expect marks the first day of month 7, and the beginning of my third trimester. Again, my third trimester!! Can you believe it?
“You’ve come a long way, baby.”
I think that we might celebrate in a small way. Like your first highschool boyfriend that gave you a little drug store gift on your “month-iversary” because going a month was really going the distance, I have wanted to do something special before now. Hell each month that passes does seem to be so significant when you are creating a little life inside. No?
So here’s to week 28! I am so fortunate for the pregnancy that I have had so far. May the next 12 weeks be as blessed.
~ humps
Aw--congrats! I can't wait to meet that baby!!!
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