Just got back to from my first appointment with the new OB/GYN. Happy to report that she isn't like Kathy Bates in Misery. She's pleasant, positive, speaks very slowly, nods aggressively, has very expressive eyes. I'm sure those are all good signs in a doctor, and maybe a guidance counseller.
That's the good news. The bad news is that I've gained 4 pounds in the last 3-4 weeks!! (Granted it was a different scale than I'm used it. I don't know if it has been serviced properly. It could be far from accurate). The doctor seems to think that my UT* is measuring bigger than expected about 25 cm for 20-21 weeks. I should be around 21 cm. Total surprise because that didn't seem to be any issue before now. (*Note: I am referring to it as the UT, not uterus or baby sack because I just think that it's more cute and chic.)
The bigger than norm UT could be something. It could be nothing. But the new doc is really eager for me to have that ultrasound I scheduled for weeks from now. The one that I have been putting off. The one that may tell us what I'm having. Damn medical community and their testing. I may have to move that appointment up. My procrastination is not really working out at the moment, on a number of levels.
The story continues...
Tips On Potty Training Little Girls
7 years ago
I hate it when i have to lose wight !
good luck :)
Glad to hear that you have found an Ob/GYN. Having a great doctor makes a big difference. The third time was the charm for me and I love my doctor.
4 pounds in 3-4 weeks ain't nothin!! From week 19 until 33 I gained 8 pounds a month. It has since slowed and I barely put much on at the beginning so I guess the 2nd trimester weight gain is when it happens....don't stress about it if you are eating right and exercising. It will come off.
Also, I saw 4 OBs total (granted we moved cities while pregnant) and finally picked the one for the delivery at 23 weeks so you are ahead of me!!
Ad the measurements...they don't really mean much. The US will be more accurate than a belly measurement but still has a huge margin of error.
Hey, I gained four pounds in the last month too. I just chalked it up to being on vacation ... and Thanksgiving was in there too.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
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