I went to the Caribana parade last weekend with my cousin from Florida. "Baby" stayed at home - the first time she was without mommy for more than a few minutes - while I went gallivanting downtown. But I couldn't resist dressing her up in this outfit that my mother bought in Jamaica. You gotta represent!!
Tips On Potty Training Little Girls
7 years ago
Wooooooo! Baby is sooooo pretty! Just like her mama! LOVE the outfit!
How were you with leaving her home? I still have a hard time leaving Little One with family or John. It's the oddest thing. I'm so tired, drained, and in need of down time, but can't seem to leave her. Weird, this being a mom thing! :)
C - I can totally relate. I can't leave the baby girl either. For Caribana I was gone for a few hours. My mind was on her the whole time. We're joined at the hip.
Execumama said...
"Sigh* I am SO Jealous that you went to Caribana..LOL! I told myself I'm going to make it there next year, and dangit, I will! "Baby" looks adorable in the Yaad wear! Yes, we must represent! Even the babies!!
Awww she's beautiful!!! I left my son with my mother in law only once and never did it again. We got back to find him sleeping on his tummy. I almost had a heart attack. I had been reading so much about SIDS at the time and read that we shouldn't place babies on their tummies when they are asleep.
My kiddo is 11 and I still can't bring myself to leave him with anybody...I'm one of those weird paranoid moms. Oh well...
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